Adam Hussain
Chief Executive Director
Adam Hussain (CEO and Data Science Lead) is a digital entrepreneur who developed the Keogh Mortality Review app and won the NHS Patient Feedback Challenge in 2012. He has previously worked as part of the NHS in the Mental Health Sector; has completed Oxford University’s Fin-tech Programme at Said Business School; and is an Expert in SaaS and Digital Transformation Design.

Dr Abdul Kamali
Chief Medical Director
Dr Abdul Kamali ( CMO ) Clinical Medical Officer Gp, and Trained Neurosurgeon – Hardvard Advanced Teaching Methodology.

Sarah Silverton
Chief Operating Officer
Sarah Silverton (COO and Programme Lead) was the Head of Patient Experience and Engagement at Barts Health NHS Trust. She is an expert in Experience-Based Co- Design; NICE Fellow and CQC Specialist Advisor; Registered Mental Health Nurse and Best Interests Assessor under the Mental Capacity Act. (25 years)

Dr Gazi Sadnan
Chief Research Director
Dr Sadnan is a London educated and trained Medical Doctor striving for clinical excellence, improving patient-centred care and digital transformation of Healthcare as we enter a new era of technology. He has undergone Internal Medicine Training (residency) and is now operating as a Locum Medical Registrar - filling gaps within the NHS whilst exploring opportunities in HealthTech, Digital Health, Artificial Intelligence, Healthcare Consulting and Pharmaceutical industry. Future aspirations of making institutional and organisational level change within healthcare and the allied fields. Read More

Dr Gazi Sadnan
Chief Research Director
Mohib Hasan (CTO) is an Enterprise Platform Tech Deployment 20 corporate experience; and is part of the team of organisational development specialists who work across the private and public sectors.