
gyrus modules

Workplace ideas

Employees can share ideas from any location at anytime securely.

Staff Pulse

Instantly measure the pulse of your entire workforce – across three core CQC matrix of Motivation,Advocacy, Involvement

Push Notification

Keep your entire workforce / stakeholders on the loop using instant push notification Send direct messages to selected or entire goup

Instant Reports

Upload reports / docs and share with the entire workforce Send updates for key changes in the organisation instantly Cloud Hosting

(FFT) Reports

Instantly capture and measure metrics from any location with the Gyrua Cloud Command Centre for all your patient and workforce wellbeing automated reports.

Litmus Test

Quick internal and external review system for directly getting views from the fronline to make decisions. Secure way to integrate your team members.


No coding required, remote hosting / no wires or hardware. Hosting cloud partners include: Apple Enterprise Inc, Google Play, Amazon and Dell Security.

Improve doctor and nurse satisfaction
Improve doctor and nurse satisfaction
Reduce health inequalities
Reduce health inequalities
Increased equity, diversity and inclusion
Increased equity, diversity and inclusion
Improved public and patient wellbeing
Improved public and patient wellbeing
Significant time savings (FFT) Analysis.
Significant time savings (FFT) Analysis.
Strengthen leadership and staff-led improvement 

Strengthen leadership and staff-led improvement 

Dr Zoe Penn

Chelsea Westminster Hospital Medical Director 

    Dr Joshua Alison

    Chief of Staff

    'Secure App to co-innovate trust wide from any location at any time'

      Dr Zoe Penn

      Medical Director

      'Using the Gyrus App will streamline process and promote innovation'

        Dr Hugh Rogers

        Associate Medical Director

        'Sending and receiving data on same device will save time'

        Any questions?

        National award winning Gyrus TM system tool kit.

        B2B2C - To help healthcare professionals, carers, and patients to share improvement/innovation ideas and experiences to promote best practice. Using our human centred simple app and real-time analytics for effective communication and engagement in the workplace.

        End-to-end-encrypted app system
        Connecting communities for real-time improvement.

        Data Driven Decision - Leveraging collective intelligence using AI

        Healthcare is awash with both unstructured and (discrete) structured data. However, this data is not always useful and can be obscure, failing to highlight potential improvements. Gyrus uses smart algorithm and artificial intelligence. This provides healthcare organisations with a richer array of data and deep analytics. A richer dataset in turn supports more informed decisions leading to a positive impact on workforce and patient wellbeing.