1. Improve Frontline Healthcare Satisfaction
Medical professionals want to spend as much time as possible with their patients. They prefer not to waste time dealing with peripheral issues that delay processes for better patient outcome. Ideas for Change empowers staff to suggest ideas and different ways of working, on a real-time basis as relevant issues come up.
2. Put Patients at the Centre of Care
Healthcare has always been based on the doctor-patient interaction but as the disparity between frontline staff and management broadens, Ideas for Change will allow a seamless communication process between frontline staff and management for service improvement.
3. Increase Return on Investment
There are technical and cultural barriers to increasing staff engagement, but facilitating a user interface through a smart mobile application provides a simple way for staff to suggest ideas for improvement whilst on the move.
4. Better Decision Support
Healthcare is awash with both unstructured and (discrete) structured data. However, this data is not always useful and can be obscure, failing to highlight potential improvements. Ideas for Change uses smart algorithm and artificial intelligence. This provides healthcare organisations with a richer array of data and deep analytics. A richer dataset in turn supports more informed decisions leading to a positive impact on patient treatment.
5. Improve patient outcome and meet turnaround targets
GyrusApp will improve patient experience, leading to continuous improvement. It is predicted that improving the efficiency of data capture and sharing of information between medical specialists and professionals will reduce the likelihood of life-threatening errors. This innovative application allows all members of staff to suggest ideas, engage with their workplace, feel empowered and work with management to makes changes for better patient outcome.